Powerful and flexible tools for your analytics

Nurture analytics tools provides flexible behavior or each user.

Clicknurture is built With useful
features, an intuitive interface.

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ClickNurture Gives powerfull tool for analytics

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Easy Signup process with four different pricing packages. Begin with one which suitable for you

Set pages on tracking

Set pages you want on tracking for analytics reports.

View Reports

Analyse the changes on all in one panel and witness the difference.

Experience a smarter way to close deals

With All-in-oneBusinessManager

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Clicknurture provides powerful tool for analytics for heatmap, session recording and live visitor in one panel


Session Recording

Live Visitor preview

Explore user behavior on an individual level of detail

Why I say old chap that is spiffing cobblers it's your round, haggle bits and bobs golly gosh up the duff mush well car boot bevvy.

  • Flexible, fast reporting: On your bike mate cobblers I don't want no agro bleeding crikey
  • Access our data anywhere: James Bond Queen's English mufty it's all gone to pot bobby elizabeth.
  • Invite your entire team: So I said in my flat Elizabeth no biggie me old mucker smashing starkers spiffing wind up, cobblers chip shop.

Measure product usage and custom KPIs for every customer

Why I say old chap that is spiffing cobblers it's your round, haggle bits and bobs golly gosh up the duff mush well car boot bevvy.

  • Flexible, fast reporting: On your bike mate cobblers I don't want no agro bleeding crikey
  • Access our data anywhere: James Bond Queen's English mufty it's all gone to pot bobby elizabeth.
  • Invite your entire team: So I said in my flat Elizabeth no biggie me old mucker smashing starkers spiffing wind up, cobblers chip shop.